Feb 17, 2025
BIOL 3901 - Internship in Biological Sciences Credits: 1-3 Lecture Hours: 0 Laboratory Hours: min 5 per cr hr Structured and supervised off-campus work experience in the biological sciences designed to allow the student to apply concepts and skills learned in the classroom in a work environment. The student must work at least 5 hours per week for each hour of academic credit awarded (based on a 15-week semester this equates to 75 work hours per hour of academic credit awarded). The student must also consult regularly with a faculty internship mentor, read pertinent literature as assigned by the mentor, and produce a final report detailing the relevance of the internship to the learning outcomes established for the Bachelor of Science in Biology. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours of credit if the internship experiences change. Offered as needed.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 24 hours of courses in the biological sciences with a grade of “C” or higher and permission of the department chair.
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