Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 LSUA Catalog 
2024-2025 LSUA Catalog

Financial Aid and Scholarships


Financial Aid and Scholarships is located in 109 Abrams Hall. For information, call (318) 473-6423; visit; send an e-mail to; or write to Financial Aid and Scholarships, Louisiana State University at Alexandria, 8100 Highway 71 South, Alexandria, LA 71302.

Forms of Aid

The following forms of financial aid are available to students enrolled at Louisiana State University at Alexandria:

  1. University Scholarships;
  2. Fee Exemptions;
  3. State-Funded Scholarships and Awards;
  4. Federal Financial Aid Programs; and
  5. Other Award Programs.

Each of these forms of aid, including the criteria for eligibility, will be discussed below.

1. University Scholarships

University scholarships are available to enrolled students. Some scholarships are institutionally-funded; that is, they are paid for from the university’s operating budget. Others are funded by donations to the LSUA Foundation. Students are considered for the highest valued scholarship for which they are eligible.

In the awarding of scholarships, priority is given to first-time freshmen and transfer students. Continuing and re-entry students may also be considered if funds are available.

Institutionally-Funded Scholarships

These scholarships, which depend upon the availability of funds from the university’s operating budget, include the Academic Scholarship and the Honors Program Scholarship.

Academic Scholarship

The Academic Scholarship is available to first-time freshmen and transfer students for up to eight consecutive semesters and in amounts ranging from $500-$3000 per year. For first-time freshmen, the eligibility amounts are based on ACT/SAT scores and final high school GPA. For transfer students, eligibility amounts are based on transferred college GPA. To retain an Academic Scholarship, students must maintain an overall GPA of at least 2.5 and earn at least 24 hours per year. Student eligibility for the Academic Scholarship is reviewed upon submission of the student’s admission application. Students enrolled in 100% online degree programs are not eligible to receive Academic Scholarships. For more information about the Academic Scholarship, visit the following web address:

Honors Experience Scholarship

The Honors Experience Scholarship is available to students who participate in LSUA’s Honors Experience program. Every student admitted to the program is awarded up to $2500 per year. Students who live on campus receive an additional $1000 per year. More information about the Honors Experience is available at this link.

LSUA Foundation Scholarships

As a result of donations to the Foundation, a wide range of endowed and non-endowed scholarships is available to LSUA students. The criteria for eligibility for these scholarships include but are not limited to academic merit; leadership and community activities; and financial need (as determined by a completed FAFSA). The value of the awards, which are made by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Committee, is dependent on the amount of funds available each year. Foundation Scholarships may be first used to help fund and replace Academic Scholarships, so their availability may be limited. A request to be considered for a Foundation Scholarship may be indicated on the admission application. Students enrolled in 100% online degree programs are not eligible to receive Foundation Scholarships. A list of both the endowed and non-endowed scholarships offered through the Foundation is available on the LSUA Foundation website:

2. Fee Exemptions

A fee exemption is a type of financial aid award based on specific charges assessed to the student. Students who receive a fee exemption may forfeit their award should they fail to maintain the exemption’s required grade point average; should they fail to claim their award for any semester; should they resign during a semester; or should they be suspended from the university.

Title 29

Title 29 exemptions are awarded by the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs to children of veterans who were killed or disabled as a result of military service. The value of the award is exemption from tuition and fees, except student imposed fees. The original fee exemption certificates should be  presented to Financial Aid and Scholarships. More information about exemption certificates can be obtained by calling the Louisiana Department of Veteran Affairs at (225) 922-0500 or by writing to the address below:

Louisiana Department of Veteran Affairs
1885 Wooddale Blvd.
P.O. Box 94095
Baton Rouge
LA 70804-9095

Assistance in securing additional aid for war orphans is available from the Local Veterans Administration office. For more information, call (318) 487-5743. To be eligible for Title 29 exemptions, students must be enrolled full-time through the last day for withdrawing from courses without a “W” grade (consult Academic Calendar for withdrawal deadlines).

National Guard Fee Exemptions

National Guard fee exemptions are available to active members of the Louisiana National Guard who are not on scholastic probation and who maintain satisfactory participation in the Louisiana National Guard. Applicants should apply through their unit commander at least six weeks before registration and should make sure that their names are on the master National Guard list by calling (800) 899-6355 each semester. The amount of the exemption is equal to the student’s actual tuition for the semester. Fees are not covered.

65 and Older Fee Exemptions

A tuition exemption is available to any person aged 65 years or older as stipulated by Act 525 of the 1975 Louisiana Legislature. To receive such an exemption, a student must bring his or her driver’s license or a valid I.D. indicating the student’s date of birth to Financial Aid and Scholarships. Students who receive a 65 or older fee exemption are required to pay the application fee at the time they apply for admission to the university and are responsible for all course fees other than tuition. The exemption is limited to six hours for each Fall and Spring semester and to three hours for each Summer semester. The exemption is not available to students enrolled in 100% online degree programs. Further information may be obtained from Financial Aid and Scholarships.

CODOFIL Teachers

Exemption from university and nonresident fees is available to teachers who are participating in the CODOFIL program in Louisiana.

Foreign Associate Teachers

Exemption from university and nonresident fees is available to teachers sponsored by the Cordell Hull Foundation for International Education.

Children of Deceased Faculty Exemption

Exemption from tuition is available to any qualified dependent of a deceased faculty member of Louisiana State University at Alexandria.

LSUA Employee Exemption

Exemption from tuition is available to all Louisiana State University at Alexandria employees who have been fully employed for at least one year as determined by the Human Resource Department.

Employee Exemption Agriculture

A tuition exemption for up to six credit hours per semester is available to any full-time employee of the Louisiana State University Agriculture Center.

Deceased/Disabled Fire Fighter Dependent Exemption

This exemption is available to any qualified dependent of a deceased or disabled Fire Fighter.

Deceased Law Enforcement Officer Dependent Exemption

This exemption is available to any qualified dependent of a deceased Law Enforcement Officer.

LSU Health Sciences Center Exemption

A tuition exemption for up to six credit hours per semester is available to any qualified employee of The Huey P. Long Medical Center.

3. State-Funded Scholarships and Awards

The following is a list of awards funded and/or managed through the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA). For more detailed information regarding application and eligibility criteria, please visit

Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship

The Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship is a state program that offers scholarships to high school graduates interested in majoring in forestry, wildlife, or marine sciences.

Louisiana’s Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS)

TOPS is a comprehensive program of state scholarships. It has four components:

the Opportunity Award;
the Performance Award;
the Honors Award; and
the Tech Award.

The Tech Award is available only to students who graduated from high school in or after Spring 2017 and who major in Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, or Radiology Technology. Students who meet TOPS qualifications according to LOSFA will have TOPS applied to their fee bills for each semester for which they qualify.

Louisiana Go Grant

The purpose of this program is to provide a need-based component to the state’s financial aid plan to support nontraditional and low-to-moderate income students who need additional aid to afford the cost of attending college.

To be eligible for a Louisiana Go Grant, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • be a Louisiana Resident;
  • file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
  • receive a federal Pell grant;
  • have remaining financial need after deducting the Student Aid Index (SAI) and all federal/state/institutional grant or scholarship aid (“gift aid”) from student’s Cost of Attendance (COA); and
  • be a student enrolled in an eligible Louisiana institution on at least a half-time basis (minimum 6 hours at semester school or 4 hours at a quarter school).

Funds are limited.

Student Tuition Assistance and Revenue Trust (START) Savings Program

START is an innovative college savings plan designed to help families contend with the growing costs of educating their children after high school. The program is administered by the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA), under the direction of the Louisiana Tuition Trust Authority (LATTA). Students who wish to speak with a LOSFA information officer should call 1-800-259-LOAN (5626), extension 1012, or send an e-mail to

4. Federal Financial Aid Programs

Financial Aid and Scholarships administers a number of federally-funded financial aid programs to help students continue their education. All such programs are subject to regulations stipulated by the United States Department of Education and by university policies consistent with federal regulations. In order to receive funds from these programs, a student must have a valid high school diploma or a general equivalency diploma (GED). In addition, a student must be officially admitted to the university as a degree-seeking student and have maintained Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by Federal regulations and LSUA’s Financial Aid and Scholarships’ Policies and Procedures.

To be considered for federal financial aid awards, students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at This submission must be made for each academic year for which the applicant wishes to receive aid. Applicants should list LSUA (Federal School Code 002011) as a receiving institution.

Upon receipt of a valid, completed FAFSA, Financial Aid and Scholarships will contact students via LSUA email and inform them if any additional information and/or documentation is required. The review of documentation may take up to six weeks. Students will not be awarded any federal financial aid until they are admitted to the university as degree seeking students.

To ensure that funds are available to students at the beginning of the semester for which the funds are awarded, students should ensure that all required supporting documents are submitted to Financial Aid and Scholarships by May 1 for fall, October 1 for spring, and April 1 for summer.


Federal Pell Grant

Pell Grants are available to students who have not earned a baccalaureate degree and who demonstrate qualifying financial need as established through a processed and valid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students should be aware that the Pell Grant is the only grant that guarantees funding to those students who meet its requirements. Eligibility for other grants (see below) does not guarantee that funding will be awarded. The amount of any Pell Grant depends upon the hours for which the recipient is enrolled. Awards are adjusted for enrolled hours after the last day for withdrawing from courses without a ‘W” grade.

Federal TEACH Grant

The Federal TEACH Grant Program provides up to $4000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete course work needed to begin a career in teaching. As a condition for receiving a TEACH Grant, students must sign a TEACH Agreement to Serve in which they agree to (among other requirements) the following:

  • teach in a high-need field;
  • at an elementary school, secondary school, or educational agency that serves students from low income families; and
  • for at least four complete years within eight years after completing (or ceasing enrollment in) the course of study for which the grant was received.

For those that do not complete their service obligation, the grant will convert to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan that must be repaid.

Qualifications for the TEACH Grant include the following:

  • Scoring above the 75th percentile on one or more portions of a nationally normed college admissions test, or
  • Maintaining a 3.25 GPA.

LSUA restricts the awarding of the TEACH Grant to students who are formally enrolled and actively pursuing coursework in the Professional Teacher Program (admitted to blocks), or to students who are actively pursuing coursework for the Minor in Education for Secondary Certification (admitted to the program).

Students in receipt of the grant are also required to complete an Initial and Subsequent Counseling session (online) each year, in addition to abiding by the Agreement to Serve.

Other Grants

If funds are available, students may be considered for grants other than the Pell Grant. To be considered for such grants, students must complete the FAFSA, submit any additional paperwork requested of them, and have maintained Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by Federal regulations and LSUA’s Financial Aid and Scholarships’ Policies and Procedures. Students must also meet any and all criteria set forth by the particular agency that provides the grant funding.

Financial Aid and Scholarships will consider all students, in the order that their FAFSA applications are received, for any grants for which they may be eligible. Note: March 1 is LSUA’s priority deadline for students applying for financial aid for the immediately following academic year.


Federal Direct Loan Programs

The U.S. Department of Education offers direct loans that are subsidized (interest paid by the federal government while the student is in school) and unsubsidized (student responsible for interest) to students and/or parents who meet certain specific criteria. The amount and type of direct loan for which a student qualifies depends upon information provided on the student’s FAFSA, the student’s degree program, and the number of hours that the student has earned. To receive a direct loan, a student must be enrolled for at least six credit hours.

Federal Work Study

Students who have financial need as determined by the FAFSA and are making Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by Federal regulations and LSUA’s Financial Aid and Scholarships’ Policies and Procedures may be eligible for employment under the Federal Work Study program if funding is available. To secure employment, students must submit an official application to Human Resource Management and be interviewed by a job supervisor. Students who wish to request consideration for a particular position may contact the department or unit seeking to fill that position. Students’ pay rates are based on the current minimum wage rates. Campus jobs typically require between 50 and 60 hours of work each month and cannot exceed 20 hours per week. The jobs are varied in nature. Some require special skills; others demand only a willingness to learn.

Maintaining Eligibility for Financial Aid

To initially receive and maintain eligibility for financial aid, whether that aid is in the form of federal or state grants, loans, or work-study participation, students are required to meet academic standards upon admission to the university and to maintain those standards to receive aid in subsequent years.

The standards for Continuing LSUA Students, Transfer and Reentry Students, and First-Time Freshmen for the 2020-2021 Academic Year are presented below:

Continuing LSUA Students

  • have maintained an overall GPA of at least 2.0;
  • have earned at least 67% of all hours attempted since the beginning of their college enrollment; and
  • not have attempted more than 150% of the hours required for completion of an associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or certificate program.

Transfer and Reentry Students

  • have maintained an overall GPA of at least 2.0;
  • have earned at least 67% of all hours attempted since the beginning of college enrollment;
  • not have attempted more than 150% of the hours required for completion of an associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or certificate program.

First-Time Freshmen

  • First-time freshmen are considered academically eligible to receive aid upon admission to the university.

At the end of each spring semester, Financial Aid and Scholarships reviews the academic records of students receiving financial aid to determine whether they have maintained these standards.

Classification of Students (Financial Aid) Per Semester/Term

Fall, Spring, Summer (includes full session, 1st session, 2nd session, ELearn1, and ELearn2)

  • a student enrolled for 1-5 hours of credit is classified as less than half-time;
  • a student enrolled for 6-8 hours of credit is classified as half-time;
  • a student enrolled for 9-11 hours of credit is classified as three-quarter time;
  • a student enrolled for 12 or more hours of credit is classified as full-time.

Note: During the summer semester, six hours is considered full-time for non-federal financial aid.

5. Other Award Programs

Vocational Rehabilitation Grants

These grants are made to students who are disabled and who would ordinarily be unable to hold exacting part-time jobs. Students should apply through their nearest Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) office. A list of the regional offices can be found at

Veterans’ Education Benefits

Veterans who are eligible to receive Veterans’ Education Benefits should visit for instructions on how to apply for benefits.

All students who are registered for classes and wish to have their enrollment certified with Veterans Affairs must complete and provide the appropriate signatures on the VA Data Form. The form, which is available at, must be submitted to Financial Aid and Scholarships each semester or when a schedule change has been made.

All students except for Chapter 31 and 35 students will need to verify their hours at the end of each month at or by calling 1-888-GIBILL-1. Transfer students who have used their benefits before or students who wish to change their majors will need to complete a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training form (VA FORM 22-1995) and submit an evaluation of transfer credits to be accepted to Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Chapter 31 Disabled Veterans who are eligible to receive the VAVR Tuition Exemption will need to submit the following to Financial Aid and Scholarships: VA Form 28-1905 Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Reentrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status. Call (318) 676-3425 to find out if you are eligible to receive this exemption. The exemption will be adjusted to the hours for which the student is enrolled after the last day for withdrawing from courses without a ‘W” grade.

Veteran Affairs Liaison

A university employee serves as a liaison to Veteran Affairs and is available to assist veterans and dependents of veterans in obtaining Veterans Administration educational benefits. Students who wish to consult the liaison may visit Abrams Hall, call (318) 473-6423, or send an email to